A poem as an image (Αμαρτωλό)
A poem as an image (Αμαρτωλό)

Theo Prodromidis evokes charismatic poet and writer Galatea Alexiou Kazantzaki (1881-1962), who is considered to be one of the first Greek socialist writers who actively participated in the Greek Communist Party, and who was subsequently prosecuted during the rise of fascism in 1938. Prodromidis’ participative audio work “A poem is an image (Αμαρτωλό)” is based upon Kazantzaki’s poem Αμαρτωλό (Sinful) from 1931. The artist invited a group of local participants fro different activist and cultural backgrounds to perform the poem in and out of sync, in unison and solo, creating a temporal choir with alternating distances. The performance of the…


Dadaist Tristan Tzara devised a method to create poems by pulling words out of a hat. Applying this method, Theo Prodromidis “wrote” a book of 108 pages, with 524 sentences, composed of words taken at randomly from 524 different books and magazines, which were sent to him on a general call for printed matter that had to be relevant andimportant for the political discourse of the left.Books included seminal texts like Karl Marx’s Das Kapital (1867), Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916) as well as more contemporary texts like Alain Badiou’s TheCommunist Hypothesis (2008). The content…

Children of the Sun (acting)
Children of the Sun (acting)

Children of the sun however is more than just a portrait through which themes such as solidarity, care, togetherness, collective action, environmental exploitation emerge. With its dramatic and enthusiastic conclusion set in the midst of the announcement of the sentencing of the Golden Dawn trial, it is first and foremost an exhortation to action, a call to unite behind these ideas in the same way that the uprising in Albona attempted to unite the workers against their exploitation


Theo Prodromidis in collaboration with Espi Tomičić i Lucija Klarić featuring Jafar Hamadani, Miran Kramar, Severina Lajtman, Manuel Tairovska and Erin Vlahovića. Curator/producer: Ana Kovačić

An open newspaper (you can’t evict a movement)
An open newspaper (you can’t evict a movement)

An Open Newspaper (You can’t evict a movement) by Theo Prodromidis in collaboration with Theodoros Karyotis, Tonia Katerini, Stathis Mitropoulos, Nemanja Pantović and Ana Vilenica.  Addressing the processes that led to a surge of housing evictions in Serbia, this work connects to the Greek context where the legal framework for the protection of primary housing is planned to “expire” in April 2020. This collectively produced printed work acts as a vehicle of information about struggles in an ever-increasing global housing crisis. The work was first presented at Translocal Cooperation, an exhibition of works born of cooperation and knowledge exchange between…

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